Fall 2014 Conference
Where Love and Justice Meet
An Emerging Sexual Ethic for Our Time
Fr. John Heagle
Sr. Fran Ferder, FSPA
Saturday, October 18 , 2014
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis
Located where Hennepin & Lyndale Aves. merge at Groveland Ave., across the street from the Walker Art Center.
Parking lot is next to the church building.
Registration fee: $40 (includes breakfast snacks, lunch, and beverages).
Event scholarships are available. Contact Sharon at 651-457-3249.
The program begins at 9:45 a.m.
Call Art Stoeberl at 651-636-7356
or email artstoeberl@yahoo.com
to tell us that you would like to attend.
Morning presentation:
Human Sexuality: Facing the Crisis,Reclaiming the Vision
Afternoon presentations:
• Sexuality, Power and Biblical Justice
• The Spiritual Promise of Sexuality
There will be time allowed for questions and dialogue.
Program includes a presentation of the CTA-MN 2014 Leadership Award and a short business meeting.
About this year's theme
The Catholic Church is facing a crucial turning point in its understanding of human sexuality. It is increasingly clear that the lived experience of ordinary people differs significantly from official church teaching. The ‘traditional’ Catholic ethic that most of us grew up with is grounded in medieval philosophy and natural law theory. This approach is no longer adequate to address the contemporary challenge of human relationships.
CTA-MN's 2014 Fall Conference introduces a more biblically-based understanding of the gift of sexuality and the responsibility of faithful loving. It explores the profound connection between relationships and biblical justice, sexuality and systems of power. In the gospel accounts, Jesus has little to say about the biology of sex, but he speaks decisively about the qualities of authentic loving: respect, responsibility, covenantal faithfulness, and mutuality. How would such a radical and demanding vision challenge and transform our lives and our community of faith?
We’ve been through a lot lately in this local Church. Stories about homosexuality and sexual abuse have grabbed headlines. In addition, many Catholics find themselves at odds with teachings related to sexuality and gender, yet they want to honor what is life-giving and supportive within the Catholic tradition. This is why we believe that John Heagle and Fran Ferder FSPA are exactly the right people, coming at exactly the right time to help us reflect upon “an emerging sexual ethic for our time.”
Fr. John Heagle
Ordained a Catholic priest for the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, in 1965, John has had more than 37 years of pastoral experience: college teaching, campus ministry, justice and peace leadership, and almost ten years as a pastor. He holds an M.A. in philosophy from Catholic University of America and a licentiate in canon law from Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. For the past seventeen years John has also served as a licensed psychotherapist, retreat director. He is the author of seven books on spirituality and human relationships.
Sister Fran Ferder, FSPA
A native of Salem, Oregon, and a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, Fran has had more than 30 years of ministerial and professional experience as a college professor, director of student counseling, psychotherapist, psychological consultant for various religious communities and dioceses, and a research director for a major social ministry study. She holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Loyola University, Chicago, and a doctorate in ministry from Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis. She is the author of
Words Made Flesh and
Enter the Story: Biblical Metaphors for our Lives.
Both Fran and John serve as adjunct faculty in the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University. They are internationally recognized leaders of workshops and conferences, authors of several articles, tapes, and books on spirituality, ministry, and human relationships, including
Your Sexual Self: Pathway to Authentic Intimacy and
Tender Fires: The Spiritual Promise of Sexuality.