Saturday, May 4, 2013

Save the Date!

Saturday, September 28

Synod of the Baptized 2013
Co-Creating the Living Church

With Keynote Speaker:
Sr. Gail Worcelo, sgm

Ramada Mall of America Hotel
2300 E. American Blvd.
Bloomington, MN 55439
(For map, click here)

Join us as together we:

Connect our Christian tradition
to the reality of the evolving universe

Discern what Catholic Christianity has to offer
in a rapidly changing world of expanding consciousness

Forge a new vision, future, and hope for the
institutional church, our faith communities,
our lives, and our world.

For more information, including a registration form
and descriptions of the afternoon breakout sessions,
visit the website of the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform


About Our Keynote Speaker

A Passionist nun of St. Gabriel's Monastery for 25 years, Sister Gail Worcelo was given permission by her community in 1999 to begin a new community of women religious with direction from her mentor, Passionist priest Fr. Thomas Berry (1914-2009). With Berry she co-founded Green Mountain Monastery, a new monastic community dedicated to the healing and protection of Earth and its life systems, and an exciting example of reform inspired and shaped by the perspectives of the 'new universe story.'

Gail holds degrees in Clinical Psychology and Christian Spirituality and is working on a new book, Moments of Grace, which explores the current evolutionary breakthrough in the long lineage of Catholic women's religious communities.

In exploring and celebrating the paradox of the Divine in an evolving universe" in relation to the ongoing work of church reform, Gail offers an inspiring message of hope and courage.

Synod of the Baptized 2013 is sponsored by
We are a growing community of Catholics within the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis actively working to co-create a living church. The local church we envision is a community alive with the message of Jesus – a message of inclusivity, equality, and transforming love. We are energized by integrating the gospel message, Catholic practice, and the ‘new creation story’ emerging from contemporary science.

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