Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Local Catholics Discuss the Need for a "Healthy Christian Theology of Sexuality"

On May 6, 2015, Mary Hanson, host of The Mary Hanson Show, talked with Mary Beth Stein of the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform and Mary Ellen Jordan of the Council of the Baptized. Stein and Jordan are co-authors of a position paper entitled “Toward a Healthy Christian Theology of Sexuality," which is being distributed widely throughout the Twin Cities.

See also the previous PCV posts:
Twin Cities Catholics Respond to Pope Francis' Invitation and Speak Out on Sexual Issues
Let Our Voices Be Heard!
"All Voices Must Be Heard": A Response to Archbishop Nienstedt
It's Critical That Catholics Find Their Voice
Richard Gaillardetz on the Need to "Wrestle with the Tradition"
Nicholas Lash on Dissent and Disagreement
Homosexual Relationships: Another Look

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